Friday, June 10, 2011

something's missing...

I had a realization.

I was going over my attire for the wedding. I've got something old. I've got something new. I've got something borrowed (Or at least LOTS of offers), and something blue. I've even got something 7 (something that belongs to my brother). But I don't have anything knit.

And that's a problem.

I've had several wonderful suggestions, but nothing really jumps out screaming "I'm it! I'm what you should wear to your wedding!!"

So I'm just going to knit a whole bunch of stuff and decide later.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

little things

It takes a lot of little things to make up big things, and I feel like that's what the last few weeks have been. doing a bunch of little things to make the big things happen. Now that I've made it through graduation, the next thing I have to worry about is the wedding.

Yes. MY Wedding.

Yeah, it's happening, and it's happening fast. Like 20 days fast. Egads!!

Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a "oh em gee, it's my wedding" and get all mushy gushy on you. It makes me nauseous, so why would I subject you to that?

On the other hand, don't worry. There will be TONS of pictures. :)