Oh hey blog that I haven't updated in months! How have you been? I kinda dropped off the face of the earth, huh? Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Things have been changing for me, big time.
I'm going through a kind of metamorphosis, if you will. No I'm not going to wrap myself up in a cocoon and sprout wings, or at least not physically. But I am going under a complete change of myself. I want to be me, whoever that is, and it's probably going to take me a while to figure out exactly what that means. And though I never plan on coming to a finite resolution of what that means, I am also willing to accept that I will be constantly changing. But there needs to be some foundation on which these things can change. And maybe through the little things, and through my art, I can figure out what I am meant to be. Not dictated by what society says I should be or by what others say I should want, but what I was created to be and desire.
So I've started looking at my past, and reminding myself of things I liked, and questioning if I still liked them, and what I would do with them now. I remembered the blonde streak in my hair, and how much I loved it, despite it's desire to easily tangle. So back in it goes. I remembered how much I love writing, and blogging, so here I am. There is so much I loved doing that I don't do anymore, and there really isn't a reason (ok, maybe other than not having the time to do so) that I don't do it anymore. I think it's going to take a lot of planning to fit it all in, because now that I'm working a "real job" that takes huge chunks of my time, I have to work around that. I'm prepared for this to take a while, but I think that's kind of the point.
There will be pictures! And lots of other cool stuff, so stay tuned. It's only going to get better.