Last night, I put my foot down. Or maybe the knife. I'm not really sure.
I have been harboring 4 Pink Pearl Apples in a little white bag on the counter. (Yes, they really are pink.) I finally decided what I was going to do with them. I was going to make this most lovely Pink Apple Tart. I've also attached the link where you can get the recipe for yourself.
It. Is. Delicious!!!
So here's what mine looked like, and what I did differently.
Sorry, I couldn't wait.
I didn't have turbinado sugar. Regular sugar seemed to do just fine. And I couldn't find my plain honey, so I used mint honey. And it was just fine. Her pie crust is fabulously simple. And I sprinkled a little brown sugar both underneath and on top of the left over pie crust bit in the center, which is also not required, but looked pretty.
So there you have it!
Today, I'm going to try and clobber those tiny mitts I mentioned yesterday. *twitch* Tiny things...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
toast and tiny things
I just finished this:

And I am so excited. It was a birthday present for a wonderful friend, and she loved it! :D YAY!
And now I'm working on Endpaper Mitts by Eunny Jang. Because she's amazing. You can find the pattern for yourself here. I'm doing mine in midnight blue and violet. Pictures soon. I hope. To tide you over, More Toast!!

And I am so excited. It was a birthday present for a wonderful friend, and she loved it! :D YAY!
And now I'm working on Endpaper Mitts by Eunny Jang. Because she's amazing. You can find the pattern for yourself here. I'm doing mine in midnight blue and violet. Pictures soon. I hope. To tide you over, More Toast!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011
picture time!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
stepping stones and stumbling blocks
Oh hey blog that I haven't updated in months! How have you been? I kinda dropped off the face of the earth, huh? Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Things have been changing for me, big time.
I'm going through a kind of metamorphosis, if you will. No I'm not going to wrap myself up in a cocoon and sprout wings, or at least not physically. But I am going under a complete change of myself. I want to be me, whoever that is, and it's probably going to take me a while to figure out exactly what that means. And though I never plan on coming to a finite resolution of what that means, I am also willing to accept that I will be constantly changing. But there needs to be some foundation on which these things can change. And maybe through the little things, and through my art, I can figure out what I am meant to be. Not dictated by what society says I should be or by what others say I should want, but what I was created to be and desire.
So I've started looking at my past, and reminding myself of things I liked, and questioning if I still liked them, and what I would do with them now. I remembered the blonde streak in my hair, and how much I loved it, despite it's desire to easily tangle. So back in it goes. I remembered how much I love writing, and blogging, so here I am. There is so much I loved doing that I don't do anymore, and there really isn't a reason (ok, maybe other than not having the time to do so) that I don't do it anymore. I think it's going to take a lot of planning to fit it all in, because now that I'm working a "real job" that takes huge chunks of my time, I have to work around that. I'm prepared for this to take a while, but I think that's kind of the point.
There will be pictures! And lots of other cool stuff, so stay tuned. It's only going to get better.
I'm going through a kind of metamorphosis, if you will. No I'm not going to wrap myself up in a cocoon and sprout wings, or at least not physically. But I am going under a complete change of myself. I want to be me, whoever that is, and it's probably going to take me a while to figure out exactly what that means. And though I never plan on coming to a finite resolution of what that means, I am also willing to accept that I will be constantly changing. But there needs to be some foundation on which these things can change. And maybe through the little things, and through my art, I can figure out what I am meant to be. Not dictated by what society says I should be or by what others say I should want, but what I was created to be and desire.
So I've started looking at my past, and reminding myself of things I liked, and questioning if I still liked them, and what I would do with them now. I remembered the blonde streak in my hair, and how much I loved it, despite it's desire to easily tangle. So back in it goes. I remembered how much I love writing, and blogging, so here I am. There is so much I loved doing that I don't do anymore, and there really isn't a reason (ok, maybe other than not having the time to do so) that I don't do it anymore. I think it's going to take a lot of planning to fit it all in, because now that I'm working a "real job" that takes huge chunks of my time, I have to work around that. I'm prepared for this to take a while, but I think that's kind of the point.
There will be pictures! And lots of other cool stuff, so stay tuned. It's only going to get better.
Monday, July 11, 2011
it's all over
It's all over now.
I am a married woman.
And I've never been happier. :D
Pictures to come; I'm still trying to deal with the aftermath of the Honeymoon. And get everything in from people.
I am a married woman.
And I've never been happier. :D
Pictures to come; I'm still trying to deal with the aftermath of the Honeymoon. And get everything in from people.
Friday, June 10, 2011
something's missing...
I had a realization.
I was going over my attire for the wedding. I've got something old. I've got something new. I've got something borrowed (Or at least LOTS of offers), and something blue. I've even got something 7 (something that belongs to my brother). But I don't have anything knit.
And that's a problem.
I've had several wonderful suggestions, but nothing really jumps out screaming "I'm it! I'm what you should wear to your wedding!!"
So I'm just going to knit a whole bunch of stuff and decide later.
I was going over my attire for the wedding. I've got something old. I've got something new. I've got something borrowed (Or at least LOTS of offers), and something blue. I've even got something 7 (something that belongs to my brother). But I don't have anything knit.
And that's a problem.
I've had several wonderful suggestions, but nothing really jumps out screaming "I'm it! I'm what you should wear to your wedding!!"
So I'm just going to knit a whole bunch of stuff and decide later.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
little things
It takes a lot of little things to make up big things, and I feel like that's what the last few weeks have been. doing a bunch of little things to make the big things happen. Now that I've made it through graduation, the next thing I have to worry about is the wedding.
Yes. MY Wedding.
Yeah, it's happening, and it's happening fast. Like 20 days fast. Egads!!
Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a "oh em gee, it's my wedding" and get all mushy gushy on you. It makes me nauseous, so why would I subject you to that?
On the other hand, don't worry. There will be TONS of pictures. :)
Yes. MY Wedding.
Yeah, it's happening, and it's happening fast. Like 20 days fast. Egads!!
Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a "oh em gee, it's my wedding" and get all mushy gushy on you. It makes me nauseous, so why would I subject you to that?
On the other hand, don't worry. There will be TONS of pictures. :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
temporary freedom
Monday, May 2, 2011
illusions of grandeur
As of right now, there are 13 days, less than 1 hour, and several fleeting minutes until graduation. The pieces have been knit, sewn together, blocked, and hung on a wall for all to see. The video plays on constant loop. The yarn pile sits ominously as the faint whispers of the headphones recite the longings of a broken heart. The opening of the show has passed with pomp and circumstance. Now follow a procession of obligations. Papers, critiques, and events I have spent 4 years earning. Yet it still feels unreal. I'm really done. All I have to do is show up. Yet somehow I cannot accept that as fact.
I'm having a hard time grasping that I'm graduating as an Artist. With a capital A. I am a Knitter with a capital K. I will have a degree that should be worth something.
And then the reality sets in that I will be paying off my college loans until I'm 50. I'll be paying my kids college loans until I die. And that before I've even bought my own house, vehicle, or other large investment, I will be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
Hurray for Capitalism.
I'm having a hard time grasping that I'm graduating as an Artist. With a capital A. I am a Knitter with a capital K. I will have a degree that should be worth something.
And then the reality sets in that I will be paying off my college loans until I'm 50. I'll be paying my kids college loans until I die. And that before I've even bought my own house, vehicle, or other large investment, I will be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
Hurray for Capitalism.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
i feel like i'm giving birth
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I spent all day yesterday knitting patiently away. 3 rectangles to go. 2 rectangles to go. By the last few rows of the final rectangle my heart was pounding. The anticipation of actually having a tangible benchmark to have something completed was immense. Around 9, I had finished the final square. I sewed it to the rest of its panel, laid out all three on the floor and stood back. This was it, just as I imagined it would be. Final, and white, in all its glory.
Well, almost. At that time it looked like a toddler's puzzle.

The hand knit blocks look huge compared to the machine knit ones, but don't worry, they do fit together. I have now started the painful process of the 3 inch garter stitch border, made up like a log cabin. So right now, on my poor needles are 6 feet worth of stitches. But it will be so worth it.
26 days.
Today, it feels attainable.
Well, almost. At that time it looked like a toddler's puzzle.

The hand knit blocks look huge compared to the machine knit ones, but don't worry, they do fit together. I have now started the painful process of the 3 inch garter stitch border, made up like a log cabin. So right now, on my poor needles are 6 feet worth of stitches. But it will be so worth it.
26 days.
Today, it feels attainable.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
a deeper reflection
"Hearing your comments, I'd like to think I know what I do, but the truth is I don't. There are many considerations and I don't know how to satisfy them all. ... I might decide that you're right, and change everything. Or I might decide that you are right and change nothing. Or I might decide to move down a new path, and create something entirely different from what you've seen." ~ Brenda Dayne
Right now, every fiber of my being is telling me to change nothing. And so shall it be. I know nothing, and admit that readily, but for once in my life I would like to feel proud and confident of what I'm doing, and right now, this is it. Its not a final "I will never do anything like this again" feeling but a "This is what this is supposed to be, and needs to be, and I should not change it" feeling. It will be what it wants to be. I am no more than a maker; I make what the object tells me it wants to be.
I have had Brenda Dayne's podcast Cast On on my list for a while now, but am just finally sitting down to listen to them. This particular episode, entitled "On Gauge" was cast in 2006, and yet it still proves to be as powerful today as it was then.
28 days.
Today, it feels like a heavy weight.
Right now, every fiber of my being is telling me to change nothing. And so shall it be. I know nothing, and admit that readily, but for once in my life I would like to feel proud and confident of what I'm doing, and right now, this is it. Its not a final "I will never do anything like this again" feeling but a "This is what this is supposed to be, and needs to be, and I should not change it" feeling. It will be what it wants to be. I am no more than a maker; I make what the object tells me it wants to be.
I have had Brenda Dayne's podcast Cast On on my list for a while now, but am just finally sitting down to listen to them. This particular episode, entitled "On Gauge" was cast in 2006, and yet it still proves to be as powerful today as it was then.
28 days.
Today, it feels like a heavy weight.
Monday, March 21, 2011
at last, spring
The ever-slowly lightening of the sky between bouts of blustery grey clouds and rain drops, realizing you no longer have to eat dinner in the dark, days hovering around 50 degrees (Fahrenheit, of course), blooming crocuses and cheery daffodils. Yes it's true! Spring is really here!
As wonderful as that sounds, I am afraid I cannot hear the chirp of the robins or sparrows. I cannot enjoy the breeze of sweet Spring. For me, there is only one thing I can hear. The deafening woosh of deadlines as they go whizzing by. I see, think, speak, eat, and breathe only one thing: Senior Thesis.
29 days.
Today it feels like a death sentence.
As wonderful as that sounds, I am afraid I cannot hear the chirp of the robins or sparrows. I cannot enjoy the breeze of sweet Spring. For me, there is only one thing I can hear. The deafening woosh of deadlines as they go whizzing by. I see, think, speak, eat, and breathe only one thing: Senior Thesis.
29 days.
Today it feels like a death sentence.
Monday, February 14, 2011
This is a Public Service Announcement.
You have been warned.
This ends the Public Service Announcement.
Little kids love it. Adults can't stand it. What is the fascination with something so small and sparkly? I do not know. I do know that Glitter is highly contagious, and once someone has it, its very easy to catch it, and very hard to get rid of it. Maybe one day there will be an answer, but the future is vague.
You have been warned.
This ends the Public Service Announcement.
Little kids love it. Adults can't stand it. What is the fascination with something so small and sparkly? I do not know. I do know that Glitter is highly contagious, and once someone has it, its very easy to catch it, and very hard to get rid of it. Maybe one day there will be an answer, but the future is vague.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
and so it begins...
Two hours late, but I can't really complain about that. The weather was having a temper tantrum last night, so I expect that it's pretty gross out there. I'm just so glad I don't have to be out there in it. But, enough about the weather.
And so it begins, the final countdown, the march towards the light at the end of the tunnel, the beginning of the end. Am I really ready for this?
I mean, sure, I've been waiting for this for... well, forever. The Day I Graduate College. But then what? What am I going to do with myself? Go work at the family restaurant? Maybe do art on the side? I guess; it's a job, right?
Ugh, too much to worry about. Too much to think about. I think, for right now, I'm just going to crawl back into bed and enjoy the delay. Ah, warmth.
And so it begins, the final countdown, the march towards the light at the end of the tunnel, the beginning of the end. Am I really ready for this?
I mean, sure, I've been waiting for this for... well, forever. The Day I Graduate College. But then what? What am I going to do with myself? Go work at the family restaurant? Maybe do art on the side? I guess; it's a job, right?
Ugh, too much to worry about. Too much to think about. I think, for right now, I'm just going to crawl back into bed and enjoy the delay. Ah, warmth.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
new year, new resolutions, same old...
Well, you know.
I move back to school in less than a week. I am not packed. I have huge plans this weekend. My old room-mate is coming up for the weekend. Oh well.
But I've been very busy so far this year. I already have a finished object, and I've reorganized my entire organization system. Or rather, created one. I'm also making (slow) headway on my thesis. I'm 5 inches shy of a completed square. But its progress none-the-less. And I'm going to try to remember to blog more often, to keep myself credible.
But for now, back to my knitting, which is fairly interesting. Pictures when I can find my camera cord. :\
I move back to school in less than a week. I am not packed. I have huge plans this weekend. My old room-mate is coming up for the weekend. Oh well.
But I've been very busy so far this year. I already have a finished object, and I've reorganized my entire organization system. Or rather, created one. I'm also making (slow) headway on my thesis. I'm 5 inches shy of a completed square. But its progress none-the-less. And I'm going to try to remember to blog more often, to keep myself credible.
But for now, back to my knitting, which is fairly interesting. Pictures when I can find my camera cord. :\
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